Unique Feature of NautWise
This system provides a great deal of information in a small amount of space. You can see at a glance if it is a good day to conduct various activities on or near the water.
We have provided many ratings for several factors and users will be able to select the 5 that are the most useful to them.
These ratings are developed using a proprietary algorithm developed by NautWise. It looks at the different measurements, ranks them, and then assigns a definition of Optimal, Good, Acceptable, Tolerable, and Intolerable for each of the different measurements. These measurements are taken from the many available in NautWise. All of these factors are assessed and a rating from Zero to 5 stars is displayed.
These ratings are different for different people around Georgian Bay. The system automatically recognizes where the closest available data is and uses that for the rating.

Expanded Rating Listing
As you can see the rating is made up of different measurements. In this case the PWC Rating is made up of Wave Height, Air Temperature, Wind Speed, Water Temperature and Precip Rating. These are assessed and compared to the optimal range. The total rating, in this case, is 3.9 because the Wave Height and Water Temperature are Optimal, and the Air Temperature, Wind Speed and Precip Rating are Acceptable.
The measurements are listed in order of importance.